Monday 5 December 2011

Target Audience

Target Audience Survey Using Survey Monkey:

This is a survey I made to help with my movie opening for my target audience section. This has given me an idea of what people in the age category that I am aiming my movie at enjoy in crime thriller films. 

Target Audience Profile:

This is Matthew Jones he is 25 years old and is currently living in Jersey.
Matthew likes watching thriller, horror and crime films in his spare time and going out to the cinema with his friends. I have aimed my film at around Matthew's age, so I have asked him a few questions in order to see what my target audience would want to see in a thriller/crime film like mine.

1. What is your favourite thriller crime film and why?
My favourite thriller crime film has got to be Se7en, as I love the high suspense throughout the movie. In addition I like how they have taken the subject of the Seven Deadly Sins and given it a new twist. I also like how the titles grab your attention to watch the film with the opening credits being done over broken, blurred images of John Doe removing the skin from his fingertips and sewing it into his journals, adding a creepy feel to the movie. 
An auntie and child walking along the beach and the child picks up an abandoned shoe and asks what it is, the auntie then goes over to put it back and discovers a dead body. We are then shown the crime scene with policeman and forensic scientists around the body. The forensic scientist tells the policeman that there is no evidence of what happened to the girl. We then see flashing newspaper articles of girls being mysteriously murdered.

2. After reading my narrative, would this kind of movie stand out to you?
Yeah, it sounds like my kind of film as it has a bit of a twist with the dead girl being mysteriously murdered and with some good effects this could be a really exiting movie to watch.
3. This is my narrative for the crime/thriller movie opening that I am creating, what kind of location do you think this should be shot at and why?
I think you should shoot it at a very isolated area of the beach to create the feeling that the body has been abandoned and to create an eerie feeling of the death to the audience.

4. What kind of shots do you think should be used in this kind of movie opening?
You should use slow shots that pan across the dead body not he beach to build up suspense for the audience. You should also do lots of angles of the crime scene and body to give the audience the feeling that nothing is being hidden from them and this really is a mysterious death.

Target Audience Interview:

In order to get a few different opinions from a range of ages to help with my opening sequence I have decided to interview a younger girl around 18 years old, in contrast with the 25 year old man from the profile above.

Here is the interview:

Saturday 26 November 2011

The Book OF Eli

We were given the Book Of Eli Script without seeing the film beforehand and had to re-create one scene. We were in groups of around 6 and each had a task to do e.g. editing, acting, filming, doing the storyboard etc. I found it a very useful task as it gave us an idea on how to interpret the script and be creative with very little. We also got to see the scene from the movie afterwards to compare ours with, which also helped us see the script interpreted slightly differently and the bits that we managed to do very similarly.
This is our finished scene from the Book Of Eli:

Friday 25 November 2011

Panic Room - Soundtrack Pro

This is the movie Panic Room with music that I have added using Soundtrack Pro.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Monday 7 November 2011

Script For Film Opening - Draft

Shot 5-8

Jasmine: Jack Jack 
(Jasmine goes over to Jack)
Jack: Look what i’ve found
(Gives shoe to Jasmine)
Jasmine: Lets put that back
(goes to put the shoe back and sees the body behind the rock and screams)
Shot 11

Policeman: So what do you think has happened here?
Forensic: We’ve sent some tests to the lab, but until they come back we are unsure what has happen to this young girl.
Policeman: Ok keep me updated on the situation
Forensic: Will do
Shot 12

News story of girls being murdered mysteriously and the killer and how they are killed is unknown. 

My Animatic

Animatic Feedback From The Class:
  • Love the title at the end, really effective. Great animatic.
  • Spelt starring wrong, the music with the sound effects are good and flow nicely. As it gets more dramatic you change to suddenly between tracks I think.
  • Music was very good, made you feel sad, sound effects were clear as to what was going to happen. The mixture of sound effects and piano was good! Pictures were clear so I was able to see what was happening, title was a bit too random, didn't fit.
  • Sad music in the background with images of a small child and then the music drops to a drone and an image of an older woman who could be the mum appears to see that something has happened, as you hear her scream, good shot of the location with the police tape and the news appearing of the child's death.
  • I like the transition between the shots I really like the different music, but maybe you could turn down the nice music and turn up the other music to give it a more eerie feel.
  • The sound effects are good but the music over powers it at times. The titles are also very clear to read.
Animatic Feedback Video:

Friday 21 October 2011

Equipment Proficiency

This is a video of our class practicing to use the filming equipment, in preparation for
filming our own movie openings. We had a chance to use the dolly, the crane and the shoulder camera.

This is me putting the poles together for the camera to roll on for the dolly.

This is me and Olivia putting the camera onto the poles for the dolly.

This is me practicing with the crane.

This Is My Equipment Proficiency Video:

Tuesday 18 October 2011


This is to show you the planning I have done for my research, theory work and schedule for the making of my movie opening.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Narrative Ideas

An auntie and child walking down the beach and the child picks up the shoe and asks what it is, the auntie then goes over and discovers the body and screams. The forensic scientist tells the policeman that there is no evidence of what happened to the girl, until the results of the tests come back from the lab. 

Location: Pontac Beach

Mark = Policeman (I may have more than one policeman)

This is Mark, who is going to play the policeman in my video.

Jasmine and Jack = Auntie and Nephew
This is Jasmine, who is going to play the auntie in my video.

This is Jack, who is going to play the young child in my video.

Mum = Forensic Scientist 1

This is my Mum, who will play the forensic scientist in my video.

Dad = Forensic Scientist 2

This is my Dad, who will play the forensic scientist in my video.

Megan = Dead Person

This is Megan, who will play the dead person in my video.


Police man = Police Uniform
Auntie and Nephew = Normal clothes (jeans and t-shirt)
Forensic scientists = Blue over shoes, white overalls, gloves and tools
Dead person = Normal clothes for a young girl (dress/skirt/jeans/t-shirt)

Friday 14 October 2011

Story Board

I have decided to change my location to Pontac beach, which is where the scenes will be set. I also may decide to use more than one policeman and forensic scientist in the crime scene.