Friday, 21 October 2011

Equipment Proficiency

This is a video of our class practicing to use the filming equipment, in preparation for
filming our own movie openings. We had a chance to use the dolly, the crane and the shoulder camera.

This is me putting the poles together for the camera to roll on for the dolly.

This is me and Olivia putting the camera onto the poles for the dolly.

This is me practicing with the crane.

This Is My Equipment Proficiency Video:

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


This is to show you the planning I have done for my research, theory work and schedule for the making of my movie opening.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Narrative Ideas

An auntie and child walking down the beach and the child picks up the shoe and asks what it is, the auntie then goes over and discovers the body and screams. The forensic scientist tells the policeman that there is no evidence of what happened to the girl, until the results of the tests come back from the lab. 

Location: Pontac Beach

Mark = Policeman (I may have more than one policeman)

This is Mark, who is going to play the policeman in my video.

Jasmine and Jack = Auntie and Nephew
This is Jasmine, who is going to play the auntie in my video.

This is Jack, who is going to play the young child in my video.

Mum = Forensic Scientist 1

This is my Mum, who will play the forensic scientist in my video.

Dad = Forensic Scientist 2

This is my Dad, who will play the forensic scientist in my video.

Megan = Dead Person

This is Megan, who will play the dead person in my video.


Police man = Police Uniform
Auntie and Nephew = Normal clothes (jeans and t-shirt)
Forensic scientists = Blue over shoes, white overalls, gloves and tools
Dead person = Normal clothes for a young girl (dress/skirt/jeans/t-shirt)

Friday, 14 October 2011

Story Board

I have decided to change my location to Pontac beach, which is where the scenes will be set. I also may decide to use more than one policeman and forensic scientist in the crime scene.