Wednesday 14 September 2011

Research 3 - The Matrix

Thoughout the video, the music and flashing images changing from the computer graphics to the clips of the movie definitely add to the build up of tension and leave you wanting to see more.

I love this shot as the camera slowly zooms towards the mysterious man. Also how the birds fly away as he is walking towards them creates a sense of power and make the audience feel as if the birds are coming out towards them and help build the suspense as he gets closer to them.

The graphics used in the first shot are really well done as they resemble the character we see in the next shot as it merges into the real life shot, who we then realise is the narrator throughout most of the movie. He has a deep and slow voice which helps add a sense of mystery and mystery to the opening. 

 Again I like these graphics as it looks like rain pouring down the screen. If you zoom in on them it is lots of changing letters and numbers, which tells you that it could be a sci-fi genre. This may be something I could use in my video if I decide to do a sci-fi.

I love how we get a feel for the tension building up in this car chase with the skid marks of the car in front and the over the shoulder camera angle, which makes you feel as if you're a part of it all.

I like the tunnel effect used here and the way you feel as if you're running with them, by the point of view camera angle.

This is my favourite screen grab as it looks like you're inside DNA which adds to the sci-fi genre of the opening. Again we have the tunnelled effect with a black hole at the end and brightly glowing stands, which help grab your attention and draw you in.

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