Friday 23 September 2011

Research 9 - The Fall

The music is slow and unexpected as it begins as the man's face is out of the water and just before the title is shown, which creates an eerie atmosphere. Also, the black and white colouring creates an old feel to the video.

I also like how the movie opening is shown in a slow motion effect so that we can see all the characters emotions and expressions and to build up the tension of the opening.

I like how the guy emerges out the water in this close up camera shot, as it is shown the lighting is also quite dark and gloomy looking.

I chose this screen grab because I like how the water sprays onto the camera, making us feel as if we are there.

In this camera shot the only item is the feather, which draws your attention directly to it. This makes us wonder what the feathers importance is and adds a sense of mystery to the opening.


I like how the man appears through the smoke cloud as if he is forcing his way through, creating an eerie kind of feeling to the audience with the slow motion helping to portray this atmosphere.

This low camera angle shows us the size of the train compared to how small the people are, highlighting the vulnerability of the people. It also shows you a characters point of view looking up at the train.

This close up camera shot shows the emotion on the actors face and the slow motion effect really helps express his determination and the tension filled atmosphere. 

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