Sunday 18 September 2011

Research 5 - Resident Evil

This screen grab shows an aerial shot with the movie title in a simple but effective style. The music is very dramatic and adds to the build up of tension. If I do a horror/action movie I might use similar titles to these. I also like how the people beneath the title have been slowed down to add to the dramatic effect.

  I love this screen grab as the only colour is the bright red stilettos portraying a female gender tot he audience. I also love how the rain almost bounces back off the ground by her feet as it is still in slow motion. I would love to use this effect in my video.


The above 3 screen grabs show that the camera slowly moves up her body, starting at her feet up to her hands, just using low shots and avoiding her face, This builds up tension for the viewers, creating a mysterious female character.

This shows an overhead camera shot of the main character that we have seen in the previous screen grabs showing the audience that there is something unusual about her as she is standing still in the rain while everyone else has umbrellas and is walking around her.

 This is a point of view camera shot, maybe of someone passing by. We get the impression that she is either ill or not human, as she has no umbrella and is standing in the middle of the busy street staring down at the floor.

 This is the first close up shot that we get of her face, which to the audiences delight looks normal, despite the build up. This also makes us wonder why we have seen so many shots of her. In addition the dramatic and action feeling music stops to change to a more low key, quite and mysterious sounding music.


These two screen grabs are a point of view camera angle, as the woman is looking at a random man passing by. This then tells the audience that something will probably happen to him, as the camera then zooms in on his face, showing his bemused expression.

The camera then cuts to a sudden close up shot, which is the first time we get to see her eyes. Also the lighting in this scene suddenly turns dark and frames her, before she opens her mouth and attacks the man.  At this point the music completely stops for screams to be enhanced and the tension to be built up.

When this aerial shot of the attack scene is shown the dramatic music begins again. What I really love about this scene is how it links in with the movie, as there is a lot of blue umbrellas, which is the colour of the deadly virus created by the "Umbrella Corporation".

 This is an establishing shot of where the attack happened, which shows the audience that it is just int he middle of a city which is an unusual place for this to happen as it is a very busy area.

 This is an aerial shot that shows the disease spreading by the black splodge in the middle of the city, which lets the audience know that this is definitely a horror as the disease spreads across the human race.

 We then see in a more zoomed out aerial shot that the virus is spreading very quickly as the black is nearly the whole screen.

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